About Us

Governing Body Structure & Attendance

Please see the links below for full details of our local governing body including their, attendance at   meetings, declarations of interest and terms of office.

Scheduled Local Governing Body Meetings for 2023-24 are scheduled as follows:


  •  Monday 2nd October at 4pm

  •  Thursday 19th October at 8.30 am - Pay Panel

  •  Monday 20th November  at 4pm

  •  Tuesday 6th February at 4pm

  •  Monday 25th March at 4pm

  •  Monday 20th May at 4pm

  •  Monday  15th July at 1pm

If you have any further questions or would like to contact the governors directly please contact

Annie Clark, Clerk to Governors at apark@dcat.academy  

Local Governing Board Membership and Roles 2023/2024

Scheme of Delegation

St Pauls Governor Attendance 2022.23

St Pauls LGB Declarations of Interest 2023.2024.