Children Maths Maths challenges TimesTablesMultiplicationActivities Pack 1 Y6 Teacher notes Y6 Day 1 Multiply and divide decimals by whole numbers Y6 Day 2 Ratio and scaling problems Y6 Day 3 Create describe and predict patterns. Y6 Day 3 Powerpoint Investigating patterns Y6 Day 4 Powerpoint-Short Division Y6 Day 4 Written multiplication and division Y6 Day 5 Pythagoras theorem Week 2 Y6 Week 2 Teacher notes Y6 Day 6 Powerpoint -Find equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages Y6 Day 6 Fractions decimals and percentages Y6 Day 7 Find percentages of amounts Y6 Day 8 Multiply fractions Y6 Day 9 Sequences 1 Y6 Day 10 Sequences 2