We ask that you provide your child with school uniform. Please ensure that everything is clearly named.
Our uniform is as follows:-
Blue and white check dress (summer)
Navy blue St Paul’s sweatshirt or cardigan
Green St Paul’s polo shirt
Black, navy, grey skirt or trousers
White, grey, black or navy socks
Black school shoes
Black, grey or navy blue hijab
Black, grey or navy blue hairbands
No jewellery except watches or ear studs
Long hair to be tied back and no use of hair dye
Nail varnish and makeup is not to be used
No temporary tattoos
Navy blue St Paul’s sweatshirt
Green St Paul’s polo shirt
Black or Grey trousers
Grey or black socks
Black school shoes or plain black trainers (no logos)
No jewellery except watches or ear studs
No temporary tattoos
Sensible hairstyles
Hair should be tied up,
if below the shoulders.
* Black school shoes or plain black trainers (no logos)
Suitable plain black shoes should be worn – not flip-flops, jelly shoes, clogs, shoes with heels or boots. If children wear boots during the winter in bad weather, shoes should be brought to change into at school.
P.E kit
Black shorts
White T-shirts
St Paul's Together (PTA) often hold second hand uniform sales.
All of our uniform is available from Superstitch, visit their website and order uniform here.
SuperStitch 86, 7 Castleham Road, St Leonards on Sea, East Sussex, TN38 9NR
Opening Hours
9.00am – 5.00pm Monday-Friday 9.00am - 12.30pm Saturday
Extended opening times during the school summer holiday period
Tel: (01424) 852225 Fax: (01424) 852225
PE Kit
For PE lessons children are required to have a white polo shirt, navy blue or black shorts, plimsolls and a change of socks. For health and safety reasons tights and/or outdoor training shoes must not be worn for indoor PE. Trainers, football boots or similar, together with an appropriate top and shorts should be worn for games on the field. A dark coloured tracksuit may be worn in cold weather for outside PE activities.
For swimming lessons, in Years 4 and 5, children require a one piece swimming costume and towel.
Dance Club uniform is available to purchase from school if you would like to.
The wearing of any jewellery is not allowed. However, if your child has pierced ears then they must wear plain stud earrings. Other earrings will not be permitted. This request applies to both boys and girls. Owing to a number of accidents in schools, East Sussex County Council's policy is that studs must be removed during all physical education and swimming instruction. The child is responsible for ensuring that this takes place. If your child is unable to remove/replace their own studs they should not be worn to school on P.E. or swimming days. Your child will be unable to participate in the lesson with studs in place. Under no circumstances are staff permitted to remove/replace studs.
Every year a small number of children have their ears pierced during term-time. Parents should be aware that if the studs cannot be removed at all during those first weeks, the child will be unable to participate in PE or swimming.
Accidents can also occur during breaks and lunch times. The school therefore strongly recommends that children should avoid wearing earrings in school wherever possible. The school would not wish to make this a major issue but the Staff and Governors would appreciate sensible support from home.