Higher Ability Pupils
Higher Learning Potential at St Paul’s
At St Paul’s, we have an ethos of looking continually for ways to enable all children to experience excellence and demonstrate that they have particular aptitudes.
Higher Learning Potential (HLP) provision starts with excellent learning opportunities in the classroom, with activities that inspire and stretch learners. HLP pupils are set challenging targets and supported to attain them. Higher Order Thinking is planned for in all lessons, and staff have all had training in differentiating activities for the most able, from Reception upwards.
Additional provision may include: workshops and projects, both within school and between schools; activities during Subject Weeks; specific sessions for those children identified as the most able in any subject; bought-in expertise from musicians, theatre groups, writers etc.; and additional experiences like trips. In very rare cases, a child may also be considered for acceleration in one or more subjects and do her/his lessons in those subjects with the year group above.
The HLP budget is used to benefit every child in the school by subsidising new experiences and visits which may enable children to demonstrate a hitherto-unseen talent or passion. Resources have been additionally provided for each year group.
A number of clubs throughout the year provide for children with talents in the performing arts (Dance Clubs and Choir) and in sports (football for both girls and boys; netball; cricket; cross-country; athletics; gymnastics; tag rugby). The bi-annual show at the White Rock Theatre further extends our excellence in the performing arts. There is a range of other school clubs, e.g. Young Engineers and Newspaper.
External providers offer instrumental teaching (guitar and violin), and after-school clubs for football, BMXing and karate.
Our Ethos for Higher Learning Potential:
We provide as many new learning experiences for pupils as possible so that all have opportunities to demonstrate ability.
When ability is identified, we provide extension and enrichment tasks that allow pupils to develop to their full potential.
We make learning a dialogue with pupils so that they are fully engaged. We involve them in decision-making and assessment, and expect them to take responsibility for their learning.
We consult with parents about their children’s needs, and communicate clearly about attainment and progress.
We celebrate excellence. It is “cool to be clever” at St Paul’s.
We always aim high and expect the best, including from pupils from disadvantaged families.