Key Information
Safeguarding Team
All children should feel safe and happy in our academy. If you do not feel safe or you are worried about someone else, or you are a concerned parent please speak to any of the safeguarding team in school or any adult you trust without delay. Please contact us on 01424 424530 option 4 or email
Ms K Morley
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Ms Morley can be found in the harbour.
Mr P Trimmings
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr Trimmings is also the Assistant Head teacher and Head of EYFS and KS1.
Miss C Watts
Designated Safeguarding Officer
Miss Caroline Watts is our SENCo.
Miss M Kiniari
Designated Safeguarding Officer
Miss Kiniari is also our Co-Head teacher.
Miss L Watson
Designated Safeguarding Officer
Miss Watson is also the Assistant Head teacher and Head of KS2.
Miss S March
Designated Safeguarding Officer
Miss March is also our Nursery Manager and can be found in our Nursery